Sooooo…..couple of things I don’t understand about women
1. Why do girls feel that they have to do provocative things (talk nasty, send half nude/nude photos, discuss their sexual abilities openly, etc) to get a guy’s interest? I see so many chicks doing degrading things like this, and they haven’t realized that it never gets them anything but sex. Selling yourself as a promiscuous girl will NOT get you into a relationship, at least not with a man of God (and thats what we’re supposed to be working towards right?)
2. Why do girls (especially black girls, yes I said it) act so ignorantly with other girls? What’s wrong with smiling at another girl when you pass, or saying something nice? Why must there always be scowls on a chick’s face, and whispers of disapproval? Newsflash: You have no reason to dislike that chick, you don’t even know her, therefore you only look like a huge hater that’s not confident in her own skin, and feels intimidated when a pretty/nice dressed girl walks by. Let’s get it together. Don’t hate, step your game up so you can be able to do it like that chick, or do it better. WOMEN give props where props are due, and WOMEN (at least those with that southern hospitality like myself) are able to smile, speak, or actually say “She’s rockin’ that outfit.It’s hot”.
3. Why do girls always say “I don’t hang with other girls, I only hang with dudes, cuz girls are drama/messy/haters/fake, etc”? There are a few that can say that with truth to it, but honestly, most are only saying that, because THEY are the drama-filled, messy, hating, fake chicks. They are the ones that sleep with other chicks men, play on peoples phones, hate on chicks that look/dress better than them,etc. Every single female on the face of this earth is not trouble, so it’s time to evaluate yourself, and figure out why you always have drama or problems with other females. And girls, be smart……if you’re involved with someone you know don’t belong to you…..youre definitely the problem, not the victim. Stop frontin.
4. Why do girls think it’s cool to get involved with men in relationships? I saw 3 different shows today on tv with this plot, and heard so many rap songs about sleeping with someone on the side. Why is dishonesty and trashiness attractive, and why do girls stoop so low as to actually lie for the guy that’s cheating? Dont you have any respect for yourself? You’re basically saying ” I know he wants her and wont leave her, and I am willing to help them keep their relationship together, as long as he keeps giving me sex”. Is penis that powerful? What does lying for a trifling guy do for you,exactly? Youre helping him keep YOU as his sideline ho, as Monica calls it. Not a good look!
5. Why do girls take pride in getting money from guys? There’s nothing more unattractive than a dependent yet grown ass woman! There is nothing cute about a grown female asking a guy for money all the time. I don’t care how much you say ” I make my own money, I just use his too”. You are a poor excuse for a female. Make your OWN money, buy your OWN nice things, so you can really have something to brag about. Everybody wants to have “ms. independent” as one of their favorite songs, but steady mooching off other people. In my eyes, it’s just a milder form of prostitution. You’re sleeping with a guy, and asking for financial favors, or getting money/gifts in return. Thats prostitution. So don’t ever talk bad about the next chick thats out there turning tricks to pay her rent, because sorry, honey, you’re doing the same thing.
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