Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Casual Sex: Is this really what you want?

In a sex-crazed society, most single women have chosen to take the easy road, and begin settling for casual sexual relationships instead of meaningful relationships they truly desire. Having sex with no strings attached has become the norm, and instead of stepping outside of the box, more and more women are choosing to step into beds of those who want nothing more than a good time.

Sure, many say that it “gets the job done”, and keeps you from being lonely. However, is casual sex truly beneficial to you? It is a proven fact that a high percentage of women cannot handle the rollercoaster of emotions that come with sleeping with someone outside of exclusive terms. As much as women claim to be okay with it, the truth is they usually long for something more. When they know that “something more” isn’t in the plans of the guy they’re into, they continue to stick around. This is done in hopes that he will eventually be “tamed” into being in a substantial relationship, or just to have a piece of the man they long for. In short, we tend to settle for the bare minimum in hopes that it’ll pay off in the end

How often do you weigh the pros and cons of casual sex? The negatives outweigh the positives by a longshot. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for unwanted pregnancies and catching sexually transmitted diseases, but you also have to share your lover with whomever he decides to spend time with, physically and sexually. Many who proclaim to love sex with no strings attached, often feel loneliness, sadness, and embarrassment when they’ve given themselves to someone they know isn’t truly interested in them.

There comes a time in life where you must choose between sexual satisfaction and self-worth. Which one is more important to you? The thrill you get from a few random nights of pleasure, or the dignity you maintain when you understand you’re worth more than what you can do in the bedroom?

Continue reading on Examiner.com Casual sex: Is this really what you want? - Jacksonville Single Women | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/single-women-in-jacksonville/casual-sex-is-this-really-what-you-want#ixzz1phuAP9mV

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